It's been a year since we welcomed participants to the first MADE UK Weekend for Startups in Preston, which kicked off a series of workshops, coaching sessions and discussions with news entrepreurs in the UK and Turkey.
Now it's time to find out how everyone has got along - and to understand what else might be done to support media entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs like them.
To that end, the MADE project leader François Nel and MADE participant Michael Brightman, supported by University of Central Lancashire student research interns Emma Urjasova and Alex Neadley, will be spending some time over the summer contacting the participants. The aim is to share what they find through a report to be presented at a workshop for all those involved - and those who would like to be.
For more details about the study, or if you're a news entrepreneur or researcher who would like to contribute to the MADE Insight project, don't hesitate to contact the team at or on Twitter.